Community Design Studio

My studio explores how to create the conditions for circles to come together and create meaningful results; how networks form to amplify the work of individual circles and catalyze a field; and how to rewire cultural narratives that would have us think we’re at it on our own.

When we’re overwhelmed by our personal and global hardship, we too often turn away from each other.

We burrow deeper into our own siloes and contained worlds rather than reaching towards someone who can normalize our experience, deepen our perspective, and build with us towards the resolution we’re longing for.

Regardless of whether we’re focused on the loneliness epidemic, the impacts of climate change, or the urgency of democratic preservation - it’s not lone individuals, but circles of people that can unlock our strongest solutions, and along the way, generate our most meaningful relationships, vocations, and sources of joy. 

Past Projects

  • Partnered closely with Program Officers of James Walton’s foundation Wend Collaborative to lead on grantee listening, learning, and facilitation. 

    Portfolios include: Project X, an experimental fund to support BIPOC grassroots activists with a focus on environmental justice, and Quiet, a community of 150+ impact-driven artists. Designed and facilitated staff offsite, strategy sessions, and ongoing grantee listening circles.

  • Part of a small stable of experience designers working closely with leaders across The Foundation’s network to set the strategy and design for high-impact gatherings at the Bellagio Center and offices worldwide.

  • Worked inside the federal government to design and launch a nation-wide Get out the Count program, bringing creators and trusted messengers together for in-person, interactive Create-a-Thons leading up to the 2020 count. Piloted the model, and trained thousands of Census employees to deploy in cities across America.

  • Designed and facilitated the inaugural summit of the Health and Political Economy Project at the Bellagio Center, bringing economists, public health officials, and a Pulitzer Prize winning poet together to design a roadmap for a must just, and health-centric economy.

  • Designed and facilitated a gathering of global climate science leaders at the Bellagio Center to align on standardized indicators for measuring the health impacts of climate change.

  • Co-designed a gathering of Jewish community leaders to align on the state of civic education, and develop a roadmap for leveling up civic engagement in faith based communities.