Carla Fernandez Carla Fernandez

Testimonial #6

Carla is one of the most talented conveners I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. She is a brilliant strategic mind, and creates gatherings with deep intention: merging emotion with intellect, intuition with brass tack operations, humor with depth. 

When I worked with her on reaching the most vulnerable community members for the 2020 Census, we had layers upon layers of complexity to untangle in order to pilot and scale a meaningful program that would get millions of people to take the census. Carla brought an incisiveness that our team needed to cut through the messiness, and helped us to launch Creatives for the Count, a nationwide series of design sprints that mobilized thousands of partners, artists, and community members. The project was so successful that we secured a steady federal budget to continue the work. 

Carla brings vigor, joy, and, and creative fairy dust to every project she embarks on, and it would be an immense privilege to work with her again.

Mara Abrams
Former Co-Founder + Managing Director, Census Open Innovation Labs, U.S. Census Bureau
Nike Foundation
Truman Security Fellow

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Carla Fernandez Carla Fernandez

Testimonial #5

I've had the pleasure of working with Carla both as a teammate supporting for-profit clients, and as she was a consultant to a project I'd built in the philanthropic space. In all instances, Carla's ability to listen, hone in on the intentions of the speaker, and synthesize insights and patterns across groups never failed to amaze me. Her strategic approach to research, designing and facilitating workshops, creating clear pathways to action for teams needing to move more in sync, and doing it all with both the rigor and creativity of a seasoned professional has been invaluable and unmatched time and time again. I would hire and work with Carla on almost any future project!

Seema Thakker 
Sr. Director, Strategy and Brand, Tandem
Former Chief of Staff, Wend Collective
Acumen Fellow

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Carla Fernandez Carla Fernandez

Testimonial #4

Thank you once more for your magisterial direction of our event at Bellagio.  I got more out of those few days together than I ever would have thought possible—in large part thanks to your blend of intelligence, patience, humor and firmness where required. 

Tom Mueller, Nonfiction author, as read in New Yorker, National Geographic Magazine, New York Times Magazine and Atlantic Monthly

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Carla Fernandez Carla Fernandez

Testimonial #3

As a facilitator, Carla works like an orchestra conductor, creating a sense of welcome and drawing out ideas from individuals and the broader group. In all the workshops and convenings I've participated in, she is the only non-annoying moderator I’ve seen.

Mariana Mazzucato
Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value at University College London
Founding Director of the UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose
Author of The Entrepreneurial State, Debunking public vs. private sector myths

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Carla Fernandez Carla Fernandez

Testimonial #2

Carla is such a multi-hyphenate gift to any group looking for top-notch facilitation, creative experience design, and a deep bench of knowledge in how best to convene groups toward a goal. She knows how to walk the thin line of big picture inspirational and on the ground action plans and clear next steps. Beyond the breadth of her hard skills, Carla is also one of the most kind, insightful, whip smart, and full of joy individuals I've ever had the pleasure to work with. We've collaborated on a number of gatherings and convenings, and they are always better because of her involvement.  

Isis Krause, Philanthropy Together, Chief Strategy Office

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Carla Fernandez Carla Fernandez

Testimonial #1

Carla brought so much to our convening as the facilitator - from wise advice on the flow and design of sessions, detailed preparation work with our team, to graceful front-of-room guidance. In short, she joyfully and expertly became part of our team to execute a successful event. We can't recommend her highly enough!

Victor Roy, Director, Health and Political Economy Project
Dave Chokshi, Co-Chair, Health and Political Economy Project, 43rd Health Commissioner, NYC 
Darrick Hamilton, Co-Chair, Health and Political Economy Project, Founding Director, Institute on Race, Power, and Political Economy

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